2006 Penn Events>
March 2006 Events
Franklin's 'Idea of the English School' Proposed and Defended
Mark Frazier Lloyd
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
5:00 PM
Rosenwald Gallery, 6th floor, Van Pelt Library
Mark Frazier Lloyd, Director of the University Archives and Records Center at the University of Pennsylvania,
will deliver a lecture on Benjamin Franklin's original ideas for the institution that would become the
University of Pennsylvania and evaluate those ideas in the context of their own time, and ours.
A reception and viewing of the Library exhibition, "Educating the Youth of Pennsylvania: Worlds of Learning in the Age of Franklin,"
will follow.
Franklin's Vision, the Penn Compact, and the Future Direction(s) of Education at the University of Pennsylvania
A Summit Conference
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A day-long conference on Penn's plans for education and leadership, organized by undergraduate student leaders. More details to follow.