It is the continuous obligation of the members of the Council to report to the members of their constituencies about the discussions, decisions, and recommendations of the Council and to solicit questions and suggestions from them for presentation to the Council.

How to Become a Member of University Council and/or its Committees

Each constituency has its own procedure for nominating Council and committee members. Anyone interested in serving should contact their constituency chair or nominating chair, i.e., Penn Professional Staff Assembly (PPSA), Weekly-Paid Professional Staff Assembly (WPSA), Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA), or the undergraduate Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC), for information on the procedure in their constituency. Faculty members interested in serving on Council and committees should contact the Faculty Senate Office.

In late January of each year, a "Call for Volunteers" is published in Almanac, listing the Council committees with a brief synopsis of their purview. Anyone interested in serving on committees during the following academic year should submit their nominations as directed in the "Call for Volunteers". Constituency chairs will send lists of representatives to the Office of the Secretary as they are completed. The Office of the Secretary is unable to accept a name which does not come through constituency channels.

Present University Council Membership

Office of the University Secretary 
1 College Hall, Room 211
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303

Phone (215) 898-7005
Fax (215) 898-0103

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