Next Meeting

Thursday, March 13, 2025

12:00 p.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Virtual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Via Zoom

To access the meeting by phone:

  • Dial: +1 646 558 8656
  • Meeting ID: 930 9584 0689 ##
  • Password: 805065#

Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Please contact the Office of the University Secretary at (215) 898-7005 if you have questions. 

Rules Concerning Attendance of the Public at Meetings of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania

  1. Meetings to be Open. The regular stated meetings and the special meetings of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, its Executive Board, and its other committees or bodies are open to the public to the extent required by the Act of July 3, l986, Act No. l986-84. The three regularly stated meetings of the Trustees are normally in the fall, winter, and spring of each year. The Executive Board typically meets at times when regularly stated meetings of the Trustees are not held and often conducts business requiring an open meeting. From time to time other committees also conduct business requiring open meetings. Announcements of these meetings will be published in accordance with the law. In addition, each trustee committee reserves the right to call executive sessions during its scheduled meetings. Executive sessions are attended only by trustees and selected administrators.
  2. Public Attendance to be Subject to Reasonable Numbers. The number of the members of the public permitted to attend any such open meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board shall be limited to such number as can be reasonably accommodated in the room or hall where the meeting is held without interference with the conduct of the meeting.
  3. Public Attendance to be for Purpose of Observation. Members of the public shall be admitted to such meetings only for the purpose of observation. They shall not be permitted to participate in any way except to the extent they may be specifically invited to do so by the presiding officer. No member of the public attending an open meeting shall in any fashion interrupt, interfere with, obstruct, disturb, or disrupt the conduct of such meeting. 
  4. Recording Equipment and Display. A person attending an open meeting shall have the right to use recording devices to record the proceedings. However, no member of the public shall bring into the meeting room of any open meeting any signs, placards, posters, banners, or other visual displays. 
  5. Enforcement. The presiding officer may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate to enforce the above. 

Office of the University Secretary 
1 College Hall, Room 211
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303

Phone (215) 898-7005
Fax (215) 898-0103

Campus Map