The Committee on Academic and Related Affairs:

 (i)  shall have cognizance over matters of recruitment, admissions, and financial aid that concern the University as a whole and that are not the specific responsibility of individual faculties, including the authority to carry out studies on existing recruitment and admissions procedures and their relationships with existing policies on admissions and financial aid and to recommend changes in policy to the Council;

(ii)  shall consider the purposes of a University bookstore and advise the Council and the management of the University bookstore on policies, development, and operations;

(iii)  shall review and monitor issues related to the international programs and other international activities of the University, including advice and policy recommendations in such areas as services for international students and scholars, foreign fellowships and studies abroad, faculty, staff and student exchange programs, and cooperative undertakings with foreign universities;

(iv)  shall advise the vice provost and director of libraries on the policies, development, and operation of the University libraries;

(v)  shall have cognizance over recreation and intramural and intercollegiate athletics and their integration with the educational program of the University, including the planning and provision of adequate facilities for various sports and recreational activities; and

(vi)  shall have cognizance of all matters of policy relating to research and the general environment for research at the University, including the assignment and distribution of indirect costs and the assignment of those research funds distributed by the University, and shall advise the administration on those proposals for sponsored research referred to it because of potential conflict with University policy.

2023-2024 Committee

2022-2023 Committee
2022-2023 Annual Report for Committee (PDF)

2021-2022 Committee
2021-2022 Annual Report for Committee (PDF)

2020-2021 Committee
2020-2021 Annual Report for Committee (PDF)

2019-2020 Committee
2019-2020 Annual Report for Committee (PDF)